Historic Towns Atlas program

List of towns mapped by the Historic Towns Atlas program and holdings in Regenstein Library, University of Chicago

compiled by Michael P. Conzen and Diana Rehfeldt *

Countries are listed in order of first appearance of atlases.

Major source: Liste der europäischen Städteatlanten, erstellt von Ferdinand Opll. Wien : Webservice der Stadt Wien, 1998. [There is an updated version of this list: European towns atlas list, updated by Ferdinand Opll, Vienna, and Jennifer Moore, IHTA, January 2015.]

For further information, see: Michael Conzen, "Retrieving the pre-industrial built environments of Europe: the Historic Towns Atlas programme and comparative morphological study, Urban Morphology, vol. 12 (2008), pp. 143-156.



Great Britain [Map Collection f DA13.H63]


Finland [Map Collection f DL4.S3]


France [Map Collection f DC20 .5 .A92]

The Netherlands [Map Collection f G1921 1982]

Denmark [Map Collection f DL4.S3]

Sweden [Map Collection f DL4.S3]

Ireland [Map Collection xf G1828 1986]

Italy [Stacks f DG ...]

Iceland [Map Collection f DL4.S3]

Belgium [Stacks G1915 ...]

Poland [Map Collection xf G1954 A1A85 1993]

Czech Republic [Map Collection xf DB2017 .H57 1995]

Switzerland [Map Collection f DQ20 .H58 1997]

Romania [Map Collection f G2039 ...]

Croatia [Map Collection f G2031.S1S68 2003]

Hungary [Map Collection f G1944 ...]


Great Britain—13 towns

Historic towns (Vol. I), The atlas of historic towns (Vol. II), The British atlas of historic towns (Vol. III) [Map Collection f DA13.H63]

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4


Germany—224 towns

Deutscher Städteatlas—51 towns [Map Collection  f DD14.S8]

Band 1

Band 2

Band 3

Band 4

Band 5

Band 6

Deutscher historischer Städteatlas—3 towns [Map Collection xf G1924.A1D4 2006]

Hessischer Städteatlas—14 towns [Map Collection  f G1923.H488 2005]

Rheinischer Städteatlas—94 towns [Map Collection xf DD801.N6R40 1972]

Band I

Band II

Band III

Band IV

Band V

Band VI

Band VII


Band IX

Band X

Band XI

Band XII


Band XIV

Band XV

Band XVI



Band XIX

Westfälischer Städteatlas—75 towns [Map Collection xf G1875.W4S88]

Band 1

Band 2

Band 3

Band 4

Band 5

Band 6

Band 7

Band 8

Band 9

Band 10

Band 11

Historischer Atlas Westfälischer Städte—6 towns [Map Collection f DD901 ... or G1924 ...]


Finland—4 towns

Scandinavian atlas of historic towns (SAHT) [Map Collection  f DL4.S3]


Austria—61 towns

Österreichischer Städteatlas [Map Collection  xf G1831 1982]

Band 1 (1982)

Band 2 (1985)

Band 3 (1988)

Anhang Südtirol:

Band 4/1 (1991)

Band 4/2 (1993)

Band 5/1 (1996)

Band 5/2 (1997)

Band 6 (2000)

Band 7 (2002)

Band 8 (2004)

Band 9 (2006)

Band 10 (2008)

Band 11 (2011)

Historischer Atlas von Wien [Map Collection xf DB849. H5; vol. 13, a DVD, in Mansueto]

Historischer Atlas der Stadt Salzburg  (1999) [Mansueto xf NA9196.S2.H57 1999]


France—50 towns

Atlas historique des villes de France [Map Collection  f DC20.5.A92]

1982 (Bazadais-Landes)

1983 (Pyrénées-Gascogne)

1983 (Quercy-Rouergue)

1984 (Périgord-Limousin)

1985 (Agenais)

1986, 1988, 1991 (Bretagne)

1989, 1992 (Ile-de-France – Picardie)

1993, 1994, 1997 (Lorraine – Franche-Comté)

1994, 1997 (Normandie)

1997 (Roussillon)

[New series]


The Netherlands—7 towns

Historische stedenatlas van Nederland [Map Collection  f G1921 1982]


Denmark—4 towns

Scandinavian atlas of historic towns (SAHT) [Map Collection  f DL4.S3]


Sweden—3 towns

Scandinavian Atlas of historic towns (SAHT) [Map Collection  f DL4.S3]


Ireland—24 towns

Irish historic towns atlas [Map Collection  xf G1828 1986]


Italy—27 towns

A. Atlante storico delle città italiane (Italia settentrionale e Sardegna)—7 towns [f DG 808.A84 1991 except for Bologna & Bassano del Grappa]

B. Atlante storico delle città italiane (Italia centrale e meridionale)—20 towns



Iceland—1 town

Scandinavian atlas of historic towns (SAHT) [Map Collection f DL4.S3]


Belgium—5 towns

A. Atlas historique des villes belges = Historische stedenatlas van Belgie [stacks f G1915.H5781990 v.1–2]

B. Atlas historique des villes de Belgique: dossiers typologiques = Historische stedenatlas van België: typologische dossiers


Poland—16 towns

Atlas historyczny miast polskich = Historischer Atlas polnischer Städte [Map Collection xf G1954.A1A85 1993]

Band I: Prusy Królewskie i Warmia = Königliches Preußen und Hochstift Ermland

Band II: Kujawy = Kujawien

Band III: Mazury = Masuren

Band IV: Slask = Schlesien

Band V: Malopolska = Lesser Poland/Kleinpolen


Czech Republic—27 towns

Historický atlas mest Ceské republiky = Czech atlas of historic towns [Map Collection  xf DB2017.H57 1995]


Switzerland—5 towns

Historischer Städteatlas der Schweiz = Atlas historique des villes suisses = Atlante storico delle città svizzere [Map Collection  f DQ20.H58 1997]


Romania—7 towns

Städtegeschichteatlas Rumäniens = Atlas istoric al oraselor din România [Map Collection xf G2039 ...]



Tara Româneasca


Croatia—5 towns

Povijesni atlas gradova [Map Collection f G2031.S1S68 2003]


Hungary—2 towns

Magyar várostörténeti atlasz [Map Collection f G1944 ...]


Norway—0 towns

Scandinavian atlas of historic towns (SAHT)

“In preparation” in 1992 — not yet published in 2008:
